Monday, August 15, 2005

Pothole Dome - Captain K-man's adventures in the High Sierra

A bird's eye view of Tuoloumne Meadows as seen from the top of Pothole Dome. This picture was taken by Matthew or Kathryn with David's camera.

Captain K-man made it to the top of the dome using Daddy power, here Daddy is seen taking a little breather. Matthew and Kathryn are being silly - see what high altitude can do to you? - and Ann Elise is busy capturing everyone's antics.
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After such hard work hiking up the dome, Captain K-man needed a little nap. But the granite was too hard and a bit lumpy. Poor fellow was very unhappy to wake up early from his nap. The life of an adventuring baby isn't all peaches and cream.
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Here's the gang on top of the world, or at least on top of Pothole Dome.